We love Spring Time here at Circle Creek and have 20,000 new arrivals this year, honey bee's that is. On May 2, 2012 John and Jay Bottorff released the little ladies (Italian Breed)
into their new homes, two new hives set along the banks of the Pilchuck Creek.
Once released, they immediately start working, building comb, gathering pollen and establishing their new home. They are very friendly and easy to be around. Staying calm and relaxed when working around them is best, they can sense it if your afraid.
The Queen starts laying eggs and gets acquainted with her new family. The worker bee's head out and gather pollen. First day out at the Creek on one of the apple trees. We have so many apples on the trees this year, it's incredible.
One of our happy hives. We're so excited for the harvest in late Summer, we anticipate lots of honey and bee's wax. Bee's wax is excellent in lip balm and skin care. Can't wait to try out some recipe's.
More to come on our Bee Adventure!